Class DummyTranslationProvider

A translation provider that doesn't translate strings but does implement parameter interpolation via braces (e.g. _('Hello, {name}!', {name: 'World'})).

When used with _n it will also use the plural string when n is not equal to 1 or -1.

This class can be extended to implement a simple translation provider with the above mentioned features. Simply override the getMessage method.




onLanguageChange: Observable<void> = ...

When triggered all previously translated strings will be retranslated.


  • Override this method in a subclass to provide actual translations. Simply return the translated string or undefined if the string doesn't exist.


    • _msgid: string

      The translation key, translation source, or default translation

    • _parameters: Partial<Record<string, string | number>>

      The translation parameter object, this can be used to apply more advanced pluralization rules.

    Returns undefined | string

    The translated string or undefined if not found.

  • Translate a string for use with _.


    • msgid: string

      Translation key

    • parameters: Partial<Record<string, string | number>>

      Translation parameter object

    Returns string

  • Translate a string for use with _n.


    • msgid: string

      Translation key

    • msgidPlural: string

      Translation key, plural

    • parameters: {
          n: number;
      } & Partial<Record<string, string | number>>

      Translation parameter object

    Returns string